China Herb Nourish Blood


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Anemia, thrombocytopenic purpura, poor concentration and poor memory, anxiety and palpitations in a pale, fatigued and emotionally fragile person.

Scanty pale menstruation, or heavy menstruation and other bleeding disorder.

Tiredness during the day but insomnia and dreaming a lot at night.

Nourishes spleen and heart, blood and Qi

Heart and spleen deficiency
Blood and Qi deficiency

Key Symptoms and Signs for Use:
Tired during the day but insomnia and dreaming a lot at night
Poor concentration and poor memory
Pale, fatigued, emotionally fragile
Anxiety and palpitations
Scanty pale menstruation, or heavy menstruation and other
bleeding disorders with other deficiency symptoms
Tongue: Pale, white coating
Pulse: thready

Clinical Application for Reference:
Aplastic anemia
Thrombocytopenic purpura
Anxiety and palpitations
Abnormal uterine bleeding
Neurosis, cardiac disease
Weakness in chronic diseases
Weakness in AIDS patients


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