



As with all of Sidon Medical medicinal “teas”, Tranqui is based on Traditional Chinese Medicine principals. These Ayurverdic herbs balance the meridians that have been thrown out of balance and therefore affecting sleeping patterns.

Ancient traditional Chinese practitioners believed that it is the disharmony of the stomach (bad eating habits) that caused insomnia. Today, they take that factor into account, as well as; mental distress, imbalance between work and rest, poor lifestyle, physical problems, and pharmaceutical drugs that all affect the heart meridian which then leads to insomnia.




As with all of Sidon Medical medicinal “teas”, Tranqui is based on Traditional Chinese Medicine principals. These Ayurverdic herbs balance the meridians that have been thrown out of balance and therefore affecting sleeping patterns.

Ancient traditional Chinese practitioners believed that it is the disharmony of the stomach (bad eating habits) that caused insomnia. Today, they take that factor into account, as well as; mental distress, imbalance between work and rest, poor lifestyle, physical problems, and pharmaceutical drugs that all affect the heart meridian which then leads to insomnia.

There are many forms of insomnia:

  • Difficulty Falling asleep
  • Difficulty Staying asleep
  • Not Sleeping deeply enough (restless sleep, easy arousal and difficulty falling back to sleep)
  • Waking up too early (which may be classified as a form of insomnia)

The above forms of insomnia could affect your quality of life and daily living.

Many different organs systems can cause one or more of the above insomnias. These include stomach, spleen, liver, gallbladder, kidneys, as well as heart (mental stress).  Tranqui is designed to work on all the above causes of insomnia and therefore can be used to treat all forms of insomnia regardless of the cause.

As with all of Sidon Medical’s medicinal “tea’s”, Tranqui is not an actual tea (does not contain tea leaves) but purely a herbal medicine. Once the herbs are heated (with boiling water) the medicinal properties are released.

Best way to consume it is in a 400 – 500ml glass/ mug, add boiling water and drink half an hour to an hour before bed time.

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