Biosil Organic Castor Oil


PRODUCT:   Organic Castor Oil in 200ml Glass Bottle

DESCRIPTION:  Certified organic, cold pressed and hexane-free

BENEFITS: Dry eyes / dry skin

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Biosil Organic Castor Oil

PRODUCT:   Organic Castor Oil in 200ml Glass Bottle

DESCRIPTION:  Certified organic, cold pressed and hexane-free

BENEFITS: Dry eyes / dry skin …….

Castor Oil compresses on the abdomen can heal the body of Irritable Bowel syndrome.

Other benefits from Castor Oil compresses :

Castor Oil penetrates deeper than any other oil, breaks up lumps, bumps, adhesions, even a bone spur (it may take a while if the condition has been there for a long time) – just keep at it.

As a compress it is not drawing anything out of you. The compress is a vehicle to hold the oil so it can penetrate.  Every day you could apply the compress, fold it over and next day open up, add a little more oil and apply again.

You can use it for tumours, cysts, even breast cancer.

Uterine fibroid – one lady first used a recommended yam cream product to reduce the oestrogen and applied the castor oil compresses to her abdomen.

You would need a plastic covering as it could soil clothes. One can sleep with the compress in place.

How to:

Place a small  circle of the castor oil on compress – in the middle. It will slowly spread on the compress.  You could put this on a bone spur, a sore wrist, joints, sore knees, congested chest (little bigger one) with a hot water bottle on top.  On abdomen for constipation – will break up congestion there. Gallstones, revive liver (under right rib), kidneys (kidney stones).

Not recommended to be taken orally.