Cultured Beats Free Range Chicken Bone Broth


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Cultured Beats Free Range Chicken Bone Broth

1 litre Frozen

Chicken Broth is a light golden liquid with a thin layer of fat which gels when cooled. It has a chicken flavour and adds umami to food when cooked with.

Add to soups, stews, curries, risottos and gravy. Can be enjoyed on its own warmed up with seasoning.

Slow cooked for 24 hours. We use free range chicken. Free from antibiotics and growth hormones.

We use preservative and GMO free unfiltered apple cider vinegar.

This nutrient dense product is fragile, please keep refrigerated while defrosting and do not overheat. Naturally rich in fat-soluble vitamins, amino-acids, collagen and gelatine.

Shelf life frozen: 8 months from date of manufacture.