


Improves energy levels, helps to prevent chronic fatigue, improves resilience and stamina and expedites healing and strengthening processes following illnesses (in particular severe illnesses). Call Now 011-786-9539



Improves energy levels, helps to prevent chronic fatigue, improves resilience and stamina and expedites healing and strengthening processes following illnesses (in particular severe illnesses).

Suitable for those engaging in stressful work, both physically and mentally.

Directions for use: suck one teaspoon, twice a day before eating or two hours after eating.

Main plants used in the production of EnergyMel-2:

  • Aralia Racemosa
  • Angelica Atropurpurea
  • Inula Helenium
  • Plantago Major
  • Vitex Agnus Castus
  • Eleutherococcus Senticosus
  • Schisandra Sinensis
  • Panax Ginseng.


Medicinal herbs contained in the special arrangements made for bees: EnergyMel-2 is a product of the hive of bees fed with a mixture of herbs, especially Aralia racemosa, Angelica Archangelic, Inula (Enula bell), Plantago major, Vitex agnus -castus (tree chaste), Eleutherococcus senticosus (Siberian ginseng), Schisandra Chinensis, Panax ginseng.

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