Fulvic Acid 500ml


Known as One of Nature’s Miracles

More and more scientists and doctors worldwide are recognizing the extraordinary potential of fulvic acid, an important component of humic acid. For millennia, human beings have received beneficial amounts of fulvic acid complexes through their consumption of plants, just as nature intended. Unfortunately, modern use of pesticides and fertilizers, along with inadequate agricultural practices, erosion, and mineral depletion, have contributed to decreased microbial activity in the world’s soil deposits. As a result, adequate quantities of fulvic acid have been missing from our food crops for generations. Fulvic acid usually contains 60 or more minerals and trace elements that are nutritionally essential for cell health and balance.


  • A Powerful Organic Electrolyte: Electrolytes are used by the body’s cells to maintain voltages across cellular membranes and to convey electrical impulses to other cells. Fulvic acid helps cells achieve a vital electrochemical balance across and among the body’s cells.
  • A Free-radical Scavenger and Antioxidant: Fulvic acid can react with both negatively and positively unpaired free electrons to render free radicals harmless, changing them into new useable compounds or eliminating them as waste. Fulvic acid also promotes oxidation-reduction reactions of transition metals that can damage the body’s cells and tissues.
  • A Natural Chelator and Pollutant Detoxifier: Fulvic acid is effective in transforming metals and minerals into readily absorbable forms. It can also bind with organic pollutants (pesticides, herbicides) to form new types of metal ions, catalyze the breakdown of toxic pollutants, and weather and decompose silica to release essential mineral nutrients.
  • An Aid in Increasing Nutrient Bioavailability: Fulvic acid’s low molecular weight helps render cellular walls more penetrable by reducing their surface tension, thus allowing cells to more easily and efficiently respirate, hydrate, absorb minerals, amino acids and other nutrients, and eliminate waste.

What Are Humic and Fulvic Acids?
Humic acid and fulvic acid are types of “humic substances,” the major components of organic matter found throughout nature as a result of the action of millions of beneficial microbes on decomposing plants (humification). Considered to be the most chemically active compounds in soil, humic substances contain many nutritional phytochemical groups, including natural sterols, hormones, fatty acids, polyphenols, and ketones, as well as phytochemical subgroups of compounds such as flavonoids, flavones, flavins,catechins, tannins, quinones, isoflavones, and tocopherols, among others. These compounds are some of the most valuable and promising anti-cancer nutrients known today.



Where does it come from?

Fulvic Minerals are chelated in nature by plants that convert them to bio-available mineral complexes. These newly formed Fulvic Minerals act as a powerful delivery system for nutrients from food, vitamins, enzymes, herbs and other supplement Fulvic Acid is created in extremely small amounts by millions of beneficial microbes. It combines with a variety of minerals to create a complex molecular compound. Fulvic Acid works to activate the nutrients within soil so that they can be utilised by the cells of plants. It is often termed ‘nature’s miracle molecule’ and for good reason. Unfortunately, modern farming practices have destroyed our soils, leaving them devoid of minerals and have thus disrupted the proliferation of this miracle molecule in the soil, and therefore in vegetation and animals – in effect within our food.

Our Fulvic Acid is extracted from Coal by a Patented process.

What does it do?


Like its action in soil, Fulvic Acid serves as an essential vehicle that carries vitamins and nutrients to the right place in our bodies. Fulvic Acid is so powerful that one single Fulvic Acid molecule is capable of carrying 60 or more minerals and trace elements directly into our cells. This is just one of its properties that provides Fulvic Acid with the ability to have a dramatic impact on all types of diseases and concerns.

Fulvic Acid: One of Nature’s Miracles
More and more scientists and doctors worldwide are recognizing the extraordinary potential of fulvic acid, an important component of humic acid. For millennia, human beings have received beneficial amounts of fulvic acid complexes through their consumption of plants, just as nature intended. Unfortunately, modern use of pesticides and fertilizers, along with inadequate agricultural practices, erosion, and mineral depletion, have contributed to decreased microbial activity in the world’s soil deposits. As a result, adequate quantities of fulvic acid have been missing from our food crops for generations. Why is this an important health issue to address? Because fulvic acid usually contains 60 or more minerals and trace elements that are nutritionally essential for cell health and balance (including cell growth and replication)

The benefits of Fulvic Acid


For some years, Fulvic Acid has gone unnoticed as a potential supplement. Recent research though has uncovered a number of potential benefits:


  • Produces energy and balances cell life
  • Improves circulation and Increases endurance
  • Controls inflammation and stimulates metabolism
  • Remineralizes the body
  • Regulates the thyroid and thymus glands
  • Super-oxygenates the blood
  • Regulates and supercharges the immune system
  • Improves brain function (including memory)
  • Revitalizes libido (desire and function)
  • Cleanses, neutralizes, and removes toxins
  • Repairs, regenerate, and restore cells (including skin and nails)
  • Maintains optimum alkalinity (pH) levels and defends against cancer and diseases
  • Chelates toxic or inorganic metals and chemicals
  • Assimilates macro- and micro-elements