Himalaya Arjuna


Arjuna or arjun lowers beta-lipoprotein lipids and the revival of High Density Lipoprotein mechanism in hyperlipidemia.
Terminalia Arjuna or Arjun promotes effective cardiac performance by regulating blood pressure and cholesterol levels.
Terminalia Arjuna or arjun possesses diuretic and a general tonic outcome in cases of liver cirrhosis.
Arjuna or Arjun reduces the effects of stress and nervousness on the heart.
Arjuna relieves hypertension (High blood pressure).


Himalaya Arjuna

For cardiac wellness and comprehensive control of hypertension.

Arjuna has been the herb of choice in Ayurveda for centuries for its supporting effects on the cardiovascular system. Arjuna’s popularity is in part due to its ability to support normal cholesterol levels along with a sensible diet. Arjuna is also used to support normal heart rates and reduce occasional nervousness.

No other adaptogen is more celebrated for the heart in Ayurveda than Arjuna, which translates to bright and shining one. It is described as being unparalleled among other herbs.Ayurveda teaches the heart is the center of all processes both physiological and emotional, making it central to health.Today, Arjuna is celebrated for its ability to promote cardiac function, oxygenation of the heart and maintain cholesterol levels already within normal range.

The bark of the Arjuna tree has been used for several centuries for treating cardiovascular ailments. It has a host of other therapeutic benefits including treating asthma, hypertension and kidney stones.

Directions for taking Arjuna

1 or 2 capsules with meals. Allow several weeks for long lasting benefits. Natural products treat not just the symptoms but the body as a whole and take time for absorption and results.

Arjuna or arjun or Terminalia Arjuna is an only herb that helps uphold a healthy heart and decrease the effects of stress and anxiety. Arjuna or arjun promotes well-organized cardiac performance and regulates blood pressure to normal. Arjuna or arjun has been the herb of option in Ayurveda for cardiovascular health. Arjuna’s or arjun’s aptitude to contain the blood’s absorption of lipids point to that it has cholesterol regulating events. Its principle mechanism are §-sitosterol, ellagic acid and arjunic acid.
Indications for taking Arjuna

Cardiomyopathy similar to Myocardial infarction, angina, coronary artery disease, heart failure, hypercholesterolemia, hypertension. In case of heart attack though it can not act instantly like streptokinase or eurokinase, but usual use of it just later than recovering from heart attack, reduces the option of further attacks to a great level. In addition no such toxicity or side effects have been found and therefore it can be advocated to be used in daily basis for a strong and well functioning heart.


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