Natural pain reducing remedies
Instead of popping an aspirin, or taking one of the many pain medications on the market today,
you can target pain with natural remedies that causes absolutely no side effects and induce no negative impact on the body.
Frequent use of aspirin can cause everything from intestinal bleeding to kidney failure while Ibuprofin can cause gastrointestinal discomfort and heart problems.
So take advantage of these 6 natural pain-reducing remedies.

1. Find Some Good Company – Whenever we bond and communicate with others about how we are feeling, we tend to feel better. People who deal with chronic pain feel better when participating in group therapy, such as simple discussion groups, where others recognize their pain.
2. Laugh It Off – One of the best ways to rewire the pain synapses in the brain is to over-run them with hilarity. A recent British study has proven that when we laugh, opiate-like chemicals are released into the brains, which block the feeling of pain.
3. Eat Some Chile Peppers or Jalapenos – An active component of chili peppers, capsaicin temporarily desensitizes pain-prone skin nerve receptors called C-fibers. This is great news for people who endure chronic since capsaicin can be applied topically as well.
4. Meditate – In a recent study, 80 minutes of meditation was proven to reduce pain better than one of the most powerful pharmaceutical drugs on the market – morphine! Meditation instead of morphine, it works.
5. Juice Some Ginger – Another study shows that ginger is better at reducing pain than Advil or Motrin, and it does so without hurting our cytokines – natural immunity building blocks of the body. This can be especially good news for arthritis sufferers.
6. Spice it up with Turmeric – Turmeric is anti-inflammatory spice, which means it can help reduce the pain response in the body. Aside from that, it is treating cancer and preventing Alzheimer’s disease. If you have joint pain, just 1000 milligrams of Turmeric a day can help it go away.
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