Biosil Black Salve Drawing Ointment


Tips for healing after using Black Salve

  1. Never expose a wound that is healing to the sun – keep it covered for as long as possible.
  2. Raw (pure) honey helps heal. Put some on then cover. Do this 3 times a day.
  3. Aloe Gel mixed with vitamin E oil could be used now – again put on scar and cover. Do as often as possible, and only expose to sunlight when healed.
  4. BIO-SIL Colloidal Silver Gel is a good skin healing aid.
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Biosil Black Salve Drawing Ointment

PRODUCT:  Black Salve drawing ointment (25 ml)

DESCRIPTION:  A drawing salve that can be applied to check if a suspicious lump / growth is toxic to the body or not. If it does not go to work drawing the toxic cells from the body, then all is well.

Drawing ointments have been around for centuries, and BLACK SALVE uses Mother Natureäó»s awesome healing herbs äóñ BLOODROOT, GALANGAL, GRAVIOLA AND CHAPARRAL with ZINC CHLORIDE added to get the herbs into the problem area. It causes reddening and perhaps short term itching and aching at the site where it is applied.

BENEFITS : When applied externally it will draw out any diseased cells, and other fungi. This amazing remedy works well, and is inexpensive and not toxic.


Black Salve is a powerful remedy so use only once every 3 days to start and then wean down to once a week. It is important to cover and protect the “scab” that forms, from being bumped or damaged before the healing is complete.

This product can be used in conjunction with Essiac Tea which is also available in capsule form. They work synergistically. BIO-SIL Colloidal Silver liquid and/or Gel is recommended to aid healing once the drawing process is complete. Spray lightly with colloidal silver to keep it moist